For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

I’ve never seen anything like this before. For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen. I always say, If you compare, compare. If you will meet, The losses of both countries have to do with the losses to Malik.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

There is no limit to the loss of the soul among the three. Thousands of children have died. Thousands of children have lost their parents. The families who saw the whole mace destroyed have seen their homes broken, but Israel suffered for the first time and now knows what happened. A large part of the Israeli service refused to fight in Gaza, and this screenshot is playing today. On social media, there is a tweet in which the army says that many soldiers of the Water Army are spreading the Israeli Army refuge to go and fight in Gaza Royal, which is what is now happening for the British in Gaza.

There is no thought, and clearly after that, he is refusing. If you can hear the tone of this thing, then it is the radio of the Israeli army. One Abdul Qadir is a Sindhi Twitter user. This Rights Army Radio Broadcast for the First Time The Reserve Army Units Refuse to Fight in Gaza Scoresheeted by Al Jazeera No Details About Provide Israeli Al Jazeera’s Sources Claim Israel’s military radio is Army radio. This message has been broadcast to him when he refused to go to fight in the reserve unit, which is the Army.

Having a brain disease is a very natural thing, but Ground Invision has always been a heavy burden for Israel. There were thousands of them! A number of children have been killed. In Finland alone, three thousand women were killed. In Israel, I can claim that there will be more such strips. How few places will have the largest number of orphaned children in the world? At this time, there will be three children,

and there will be functions, and most of the mothers who have lost their children. In the interval of two-three months, three months so we can think of the comparison, which may not say much, but for the first time, many of the previous slaves. Israel has suffered so much that many green things are happening in front of you. are going on. The army of the Israeli occupation. The kind of cruelty she is doing is in front of everyone.

Yesterday, Liblestar was put online. A photo is a picture that God has of the graveyard. Grandfather, I am the god of graves in the graveyard. The Israeli service and the Israeli Defense Forces stole the bodies that were not buried and fled. Think of how much hatred is at the service of Israel. The first star is written in English online.

This rally occupies a bulldozer who ran a bulldozer at Cemetery Cemetery in the Basinity of NASA Medical Hospital in Khan University. All the body of D Mart is before drawing a two today.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

There is a sanitary pew above a graveyard, which is in the vicinity of Nasir Medical Hospital. Kahta Khan is doing the most vandalism at the university. The Israeli army has seen this from day one. Since the beginning of the meal, it has been written in front of us, which translates that the bodies of the martyrs were buried in which Madhav is buried; they were taken out and taken away.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

Before the sun rises, think about what kind of situation you have created. What kind of cruelty and what kind of savagery has been made? Israel is serving. Even after that, a large number of Rajasthanis have been killed in governance. have been injured. They are mentally deranged. Since then, things have been clear.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

Are you people in the service of Israel not getting ready to fight? A large number of those who have gone are stranded, but the reserve units that were tried to be sent and the radio broadcast that Al Jazeera has published clearly show that they are the King of Railways Forces.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

If we refuse to go to Gaza, you can imagine what a blow it would be to Israel. You cannot imagine the situation in Israel. I am telling you by going off the subject. You have Dr. Hanif fashion. From Gaza, Palestine, he wrote a note on top of social media with his name, Hanif Faisal Gaza, January 2024, and put a photo and video. I haven’t seen the video, and I can’t watch it on YouTube.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

He is cutting his 13-year-old daughter on a 13-year-old girl because she is infected, without anesthesia, without the right equipment, without tools, without a sanitized knife, and putting his daughter on his kitchen platform.

How cool is that? Today we are looking at: Where is humanity? Where is justice? What we did was, I am operating on my daughter without anesthesia on top of my kitchen table. This is the situation. There are so many situations. For women who are pregnant and need to be lubricated. The first C section of anesthesia is being done.

In carrot, you cannot imagine that Gaza is going through this bad phase and a country like America standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel against Palestine, making repeated bets and doing medicine and waste, which is to suffer elections. There is concern in front, but worse than that are their opponents, who are working like no, then what would have been the discrimination? What’s the difference, baby? So many things. Since the situation is getting worse and worse, every single person is saying that we are really seeing the end of the world, but this report of the first Israeli soldiers has to come.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

Similarly, those who were going to fight on the Israeli side—the reserve forces from the Israeli side—clearly did. Refuse to say that he is not ready to go to fight. in the king because the situation in the king has deteriorated since then. What would happen in such a situation? This will be the time of war between Israel and creation. What is Israel’s plan? Get the whole king to capture.

But America is not ready for this, and the people of Ganja should be shifted inside African countries so that they can never return to their homeland. What could be bigger than this situation? 7 There is a conspiracy in the country, and what is being shown is being suspended. We did this with Mishra Ji, a journalist whom I had courted several times and who was giving minute-to-minute updates.

For the first time, Israel is damaged and frozen.

The actions in the carrot indicate that his account was suspended. Twitter is on one side, doing all the vandalism. His account has not been suspended. Their accounts are being suspended. What is dictatorship if not on the other side of the world?

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