Ram Temple Inauguration: Unraveling the Political Threads on January 22″

Friends, I will talk to you today on the biggest issue of the country. Yes, yesterday, the biggest issue of the country emerged from the media dock to the IT cell of the Bharatiya Janata Party, to the Rasa, to Hindu organizations, and the entire middle class in the country. Diwali was celebrated across the country with much fervor. I will talk about its praise. Ram Temple Inauguration

Ram Temple Inauguration

The date is January 22. Friends, we know that on the 22nd, all the Dharmacharyas, astrologers, and two Shankaracharyas objected to them. They had to say it straight. This is going on. There can be no auspicious muhurat of Pran Pratishtha till the full moon day on the 25th of this month.

Another objection was that the temple was still incomplete. In an incomplete temple, it is never possible to establish life; there is no scripture, and there is no understanding of religion. But that’s the real issue! This is why the 22nd was chosen. This is the opinion of many analysts about the opening of the temple.

Narendra Modi does not have a report card. Narendra Modi has no achievements through which he can enter the electoral fray. And he wants the temple issue to be like the Balakot surgical strike. I want to ask. I want to know if this date would have been after January 25. Isn’t that a political issue? It’s not a religious event. This is political. Narendra Modi is going to contest the Lok Sabha election.

But I will ask again if this event had taken place after January 25. Had it been in the month of February, would Narendra Modi not have benefited from it in the Lok Sabha elections? That’s one question. Does Narendra Modi want to contest elections with the help of this Ram temple? Are they really guaranteed to win? I know that Hindutva and Ram Mandir are directors for him, through which he wants to trap the opposition and divert attention from basic issues.

But I am saying that this work could have been done in February. The opening of the temple! Whatever decision has been taken by the Supreme Court, the government of the opposition also takes a decision. But back to January 22. Is there any other purpose? I am also asking the question: if you, Prime Minister, were to judge the appreciation for the inauguration of the temple and the people of the temple trust, whether it is Nippal Mishra or Champat Rai, would they not have consulted the Dharmacharyas? You must have done it.

And it is a common thing that I asked that there be no muhurat till the 25th. However, he was elected on January 22. The purpose is something else. Narendra Modi is the prime minister. And I’ll take you to her now. On record, why was January 22 chosen for the inauguration of the Ram temple?

Ram Temple Inauguration

This is the 100th year of RSS. When the RSS was formed in 1925, it was the Hindu Mahasabha, and we were the State Council, along with all its martyred religious co-workers and all the pro-Hindu Sankatmas. Together, they want to make the country a Hindu Rashtra. And such a Hindu nation! Which was to be imagined by sitting there in that nose and RSS in which the statute of Manusmriti. And that is why, in the Constituent Assembly, The Constitution was passed, and I will tell you the date.

November 26, 1949. For more than two years, all those scholars of the Constituent Assembly, all the freedom fighters, and the great intellectuals were involved, and Dr. Ambedkar was elected as the chairman of the Drafting Committee. Dr. Ambedkar gave him time. greatest knowledge of the law. Nehru and Patel wanted someone from the West to sell us the Constitution and get it written. Gandhiji said, “We have that person by calling Nehru. Whoever can write the Constitution can be its architect. Dr. Ambedkar was made the president of the Nirmatri Sabha. And those? The Constitution was passed to me by all the people.

Just three days after that, on November 26, 1949—that is, on November 30, 1949—the main character of the RSS organization wrote what you will notice. “There is nothing Indian in the Constitution. This Constitution is foreign and not Indian because it does not contain the codes of Manu and therefore is not acceptable to us. Why is the Constitution so foreign? Why not Samrat Bharati? Because I am not Manu’s Sangh in this, so openly, the RSS wanted to make the Constitution on the basis of Manu Smriti, and there is no need to explain the meaning of Manusmriti or what is in it with the tribals.

His Samhitas, or Chick Chick Chick, speak, and that is why Dr. Ambedkar. Manusmriti was cremated on December 25, 1927. So he wanted to make a constitution on the basis of Manusmriti, and the RSS never respected the tricolor for the next 40 years. They did not accept the flag as the national flag. They wanted saffron to be the national flag, and I remember that one incident.

When Dr. Ambedkar went to Mumbai, when he was returning to Delhi from Mumbai and from the airport, the people of Hindu Mahasabha reached Ambedkar. At the airport, they say that, Dr. Ambedkar, you have to discuss the national flag in a few days. Talk to God on your behalf. Ambedkar smiled and said to those Hindu Mahasabhais,

“From the son of a palace, you want it to be the national flag. Speak in the Constituent Assembly. Taranga was made the national flag, which represents the culture of the whole of India. The resolutions of India’s freedom movement and their images in it, as well as the history of Buddha, There is also a sense of freedom and liberty in it. There’s a whole history there. He was accepted. But the RSS did not hoist the national flag at its office for four decades.

And then I move on to the date that the propagator of the Hindu Rashtra that the RSS wanted to create is the Prime Minister today, and you have to remember this 22nd of today for the way Narendra Modi has gradually moved very closely to create a Hindu Rashtra in 10 years. That is also being said. Hindu Rashtra should be openly declared. Do not dare to distort the whole spirit of Hindu Rashtra by declaring it as Hindu Rashtra. They are able to reach out to people. I’ll be back on January 22. Let me remind you of another date before that.

There are two dates for the foundation of the independence of this country. It’s very important. One is on August 15, 1947, and the other is. 26 January 1950 to 26 November. The Constitution of India, 1949. But him! The cost-back is also a historical date in 109, the date of history. Lahore is on the banks of the Ravi. The Congress session was being held on 19.29. When a young Jawaharlal Nehru became president, Nehru and all those Congressmen resolved and demanded directly from the British that we should have Purna Swaraj.

And for the concept of Purna Swaraj, he declared the first Independence Day to be celebrated on January 26, 1930. So to make 26 January 1930, now in this mandi, always to celebrate that 26 January 1950, the constitution of India comes into force. India becomes a republic, and a republic has many meanings. The first implication is that the constitutional head of this country will no longer be a hereditary monarch. be elected by the people and are the very first lines of the Constitution. We, the people of India, have solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign democratic republic.

And is this republic any poor, deprived person of any community? He can also be a constitutional head. Today, if a tribally respected woman is the president, it is a matter of sending a letter to the country. Through this process, Narendra Modi has been elected, who says that I am the son of a tea seller. I’m poor. came to be heard through this Constitution, but what Do they want to protect the Constitution? This is the question. So the Constitution, which came into force on January 26, 1950, has another meaning, and yes, one more thing. Whoever is the constitutional nation that runs this country, there will be a few who will own it.

He will no longer be a hereditary king. Dr. Ambedkar had a big talk with Dr. Rajendra Prasad. “I have made such a provision,” he said. in this Constitution. I have castrated all the queens. Now no king will be born from the belly of a queen, but from the ballot box. That is, the MLA, the Minister, the MP, the Prime Minister, the President—no one will be born from any hereditary king but the son of any mind, the daughter of any mind. He could be president or prime minister. Third. Through this Constitution, all the citizens of this country have constitutional rights.

Through which their words, their freedom of expression, their own dignity, the protection of their own culture, the protection of their own religion, all these rights they got, equality, freedom, and fraternity were also included. You are looking at his preface; has he chosen this date to demolish those values of the democratic republic? Now I come to the issue. This is the appreciation for January 22 that has been chosen.

So the republican spirit within the people has been converted into a religious system. This is not the first time Modi has done this. I’ll take you back a few days. A few years? First to choose the memories of August 15, to make her dream of freedom, to weaken her celebration of August 14. Partition began to celebrate the Day of Diversity. Celebration in this way is also part of the history that divided the country into two parts. A history in which millions of people died and millions of people became homeless.

Why is there a need to celebrate history and, most importantly, the question of Hindus and Muslims? Does he need to stay on track? He’s 30. He needs to be in pain. But what is very special for Narendra Modi, and that is why it is special, is that August 15 is a tribute to the dreams of Nehru and Ambedkar in this country. They are contributing to the development of the country. That opportunity was given; this opportunity, which was not for centuries but for thousands of years, was eliminated. For the Constitution, it gets freedom from slavery through the Constitution, and this slavery is what Rahul Gandhi is talking about these days.

12 Add the question of social justice to the question of political freedom. Friends, let me also say that Dr. Ambedkar. Just a day before November 26, 1949, in his speech on November 25, he said that we would achieve political freedom on January 26, 1950. Equality will be established politically, but the social sky will remain a challenge. in these 75 years. How much has this country achieved in terms of social freedom? These and other social freedoms are no longer in question. How do I celebrate this day?

It has been made nationwide, and it is also to be kept in mind that the entire country does not have a Prime Minister because it does. Millions of people are not included. And it is not because the Constitution and the basic tenets of the Constitution are necessary for them. This is a temple built by lifting the Babri Masjid, although it has been decided through the Supreme Court. But it was the Supreme Court that held him guilty of taking over the mosque. Is this a celebration for him?

January 26 is a day of celebration for every citizen of the country. Everyone has a flag in their hands. He has dreams. He’s determined, but today! What was done on January 22 was not nationwide, but the majority was overwhelming. That’s the danger. The date of January 26th should be diluted, so January 22nd has been chosen, and this scripture is neither valid nor religious nor constitutional, and that is why I think we keep religion and scripture a little away. Shankaracharya would speak on that, but the Constitution did. There is a net in it, and Dr. Ambedkar’s mind is not in it.

Those who believe in Dr. Ambedkar, those who are protected by the Constitution, and those who express their respect for the Constitution have to understand how the date of January 22 has been marked. Constitution and the Democratic Republic of India. There will be no game. Attention should be paid to this!

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